One Page Checkout
One Page Checkout

The quick way to complete an order. All order-relevant steps such as customer data, payment method, shipping method and order summary are summarised on one page.


Save products to wish list/ notepad for later purchase. Create birthday lists, wedding lists or parts lists. Use social marketing through public wish lists.

Bonus System
Bonus System

Win regular customers with bonus points. Receive bonus points for every purchase and redeem them as vouchers for subsequent purchases.

Individual Offer
Individual Offer

This plugin offers your customers the opportunity to quickly and easily create an offer request from the shopping cart.

Affilate System
Affilate System

Let your customer promote your shop.

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We are PremSoft, specialist for Shopware development

With over 20 years of experience in software development and more than 8 years of experience in Shopware development, we are passionate about creating Shopware plugins.

It is important to us that the extensions help our customers to achieve greater shop success. For this reason, the feedback of our customers is very important to us and helps us to constantly improve our plugins.

Our extensions are characterised by:

PremSoft wins the App Contest

At the Shopware App Contest 2021 with around 100 participants, the “One Page Checkout” app convinces all along the line and is awarded first place by a jury of three.

PremSoft wins the App Contest

At the Shopware App Contest 2021 with around 100 participants, the “One Page Checkout” app convinces all along the line and is awarded first place by a jury of three.

PremSoft wins the App Contest

At the Shopware App Contest 2021 with around 100 participants, the “One Page Checkout” app convinces all along the line and is awarded first place by a jury of three.

Best ratings

Our products have over 140 genuine 5-star reviews.







The principle of customer loyalty through bonus points has already been introduced. In addition to the points-based bonus programme, a level-based bonus

Winning customers can be a difficult process that is often not exactly cheap. The goal should therefore be that a customer does

A useful plugin was developed from a customer request, which is offered for Shopware 6 in the store.Our customer had the problem

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